Do you Have a case? Call Today! 415-404-6395

If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident, we know your first priority is getting medical attention and recovering. In the aftermath, you may be wondering what your options are, especially if someone else was to blame for your injuries.

You need to know what to do if insurance is not going to cover all of your accident-related expenses. And do not forget lost income if your injuries prevent you from working.

When you need a personal injury attorney, turn to the qualified and experienced legal team at Allegiance Law for help getting the compensation you need.

What Can Happen

Today, we want to talk about the many ways that people suffer from injuries. Often, these injuries are caused by another person’s negligence (or the negligence of a company) and lead to personal injury lawsuits.

As we discuss these cases, please know this is not an exhaustive list and you should always seek legal assistance about your case.

Vehicle accidents are one of the most common ways people experience traumatic injuries. In California, more than 12,000 people were injured in the latest reporting year. Negligent drivers should be held responsible for their actions. Remember, vehicle accidents affect bicyclists and pedestrians as well.

Dog attacks happen more often than you think. Nearly 4.7 million dog bites occur each year in the United States and the CDC tells us that nearly 1 in 5 people bitten by a dog require medical attention. Often, these bites and attacks happen due to the dog owner’s negligence.

Premises liability cases arise most often due to slip and fall injuries, but they can occur any time a private property owner’s actions, or inaction, lead to their patrons getting hurt. Property owners have a duty to ensure the safety of anyone invited onto their premises.

Dangerous products are sold each year and thousands of them end up being recalled. Often, the problems revolve around a poorly designed product or a product that is damaged in the manufacturing process. Other times, a product is not labeled properly (leaving off hazards, dosage information, or allergens).

We want to make a special note about work injuries. Many of them happen due to an employer’s negligence, whether it is their failure to provide proper training or to give their employees proper equipment. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that there were 2.8 million non-fatal workplace injuries reported in 2017. There are times when a person’s workers’ compensation claim is denied.

Our San Mateo personal injury lawyers are available to help you determine your rights. We know that personal injury in law is considered to be a broad term that covers any type of case in which a person has suffered physical, economic, and psychological injuries. Basically, if the defendant acts unreasonably and someone is injured, the victim is able to file a personal injury claim in order to receive compensation for their injuries.

How Much Money is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

Since there are many different types of personal injury claims, compensation amounts can vary. However, most victims seek compensatory damages for their injuries. What this means is that you may have the ability to obtain both economic and non-economic damages because both forms fall under the category of compensatory damages.

Economic damages may look like:

  • Hospital bills or other medical expenses
  • Loss of income and future wages due to the inability to work
  • Cost for rehabilitation or therapy

Non-economic damages on the other hand include:

  • Pain and suffering caused by the trauma of the injuries
  • Should the accident result in permanent disability you can seek compensation for emotional injuries connected to those losses

In some wrongful death cases, the plaintiff might be able to recover additional damages for funeral and burial costs.

Do I Have a Valid Personal Injury Claim?

A lot of people who incur injuries are not entirely sure if they have a legitimate case. Granted each claim is different, it is impossible to know whether your case is valid until you consult with an attorney.  Allegiance Law attorneys are here for you every step of the way. Don’t hesitate to contact us today for your case.

How Long Will My Personal Injury Case Take?

Due to the many different types of personal injury cases and the amount of time each claim can take will vary as well. In certain cases, a personal injury attorney may be able to secure a settlement for you. While in other instances, you may need to wait for a jury verdict. When cases have complexities to them, that can also take a long time to resolve.  Be wary that the other side will try to prolong the case so they can avoid paying for your injuries too.

This demonstrates why it is so important to have a personal injury attorney on your side. Statistically speaking, defendants are more willing to deal with experienced lawyers and may even be willing to agree to a reasonable compensation amount.  Allegiance Law attorneys know that personal injury claims can be costly and timely. That is why we refrain from implementing fees unless we secure compensation for you.

What To Do Now

Personal injury cases can arise in just about any place and time. Individuals injured need to know it is important to consult an experienced legal professional at Allegiance Law. Our dedicated team of attorneys in San Mateo have been handling cases for many years. Our experience with personal injury claims is nothing short of exceptional. We discuss your case with you and inform you of your rights.

As soon as you or your loved one are in a stable medical condition, you need to consider seeking legal assistance. If someone else was to blame for the injuries, then we want to make sure you are not on the line for any expenses related to the accident.

At Allegiance Law, our team will focus on one thing – making sure you get the compensation you deserve. This can include coverage for your medical expenses, as well as some other hidden costs associated with personal injuries, like lost income and pain and suffering damages.

When you need a San Mateo personal injury attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 415-404-6395.