Do you Have a case? Call Today! 415-404-6395

If you are going out for your daily routine or have a fun day planned with your family, there are plenty of things to do in and around Daly City. Whether you want to golf, walk the parks, or go to an event at the Cow Palace arena, you can find entertainment.

The last thing you expect when you go out for the day is for an accident to happen. Unfortunately, sometimes they do. Slip and fall accidents are more common than you think and they aren’t always your fault.

If you’ve been in an accident, you may need a slip and fall accident attorney in Daly City. Allegiance Law will help you determine if someone else was liable for your fall and whether or not you are owed any compensation for your injuries.

Accidents Happen

When we fall in public, our instinct is to get up and keep going. We know, it can be an embarrassing moment that we just want to get away from. Luckily, many falls don’t result in any injuries.

Unfortunately, sometimes they can cause injuries that send us to the hospital and keep us from work. Whether an injury is minor or more serious, we want to encourage you to report ALL slip and fall accidents.


Because, even a minor fall may be caused by things that need to be fixed. Maybe there is a leak in the roof that caused a small puddle of water. While this may not seem like a big deal, and while your fall may not have caused injury, what happens to the next person who walks through it?

You may find out that a property owner or manager already knew about the hazard. If you’ve fallen and hurt yourself at the same location where multiple incidents have already occurred, this could mean that someone else’s negligence caused your injury.

Following the Law

Almost anywhere you go has certain building and construction codes to follow. Whether to a store, a municipal park, or your place of employment, safety is the most important thing. From the width of the doors and height of the curbs to the slope of the walkways, there are regulations for everything.

There are also supposed to be regular inspections to ensure everything is in working order. All of this is done to keep the public safe. That is the expectation you have when you go somewhere.

If any of those codes, regulations, or inspections aren’t followed, and an accident happens because of that, someone should be held liable for injuries.


A slip and fall accident can occur for many potential reasons. Again, although there are instances when these accidents are random occurrences that no one is at-fault for, it’s not uncommon for these accidents to be the result of negligence. Consider the following examples:

  • You trip over an obstruction in a parking lot at night. Perhaps you didn’t see the obstruction in your path because the property owner chose not to install adequate outdoor lighting.
  • An item falls to the floor at a supermarket. You turn a corner and trip over it. This accident might be the result of negligence if a large amount of time elapsed between when the item fell to the floor and when you were injured. It could potentially be argued that by the time your accident occurred, a manager or employee should have spotted the hazard and addressed it.
  • A property owner is aware of the fact that the flooring in a section of their business is broken, loose, torn, etc. However, they decide not to replace or repair it in a timely manner. You trip over it as a result of their carelessness.
  • An employee at a business mops a floor but hasn’t been trained to put out a sign indicating the floor is wet. Because you didn’t know the floor was wet, you slipped over it, sustaining injuries as a result.

Those are just a few examples. If you’re not sure whether you have grounds to seek compensation after a slip and fall accident, discuss your case with a lawyer. A Daly City slip and fall accident attorney can help you better understand your legal options.


The injuries you might sustain as a result of a slip and fall accident include (but aren’t necessarily limited to) the following:

  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Hip injuries

If you’re harmed in a slip and fall or trip and fall, your injuries may require costly medical treatment. They might also affect your ability to perform certain work-related tasks. It’s possible you won’t be able to work and earn wages until you recover from your injuries.


If your slip and fall accident resulted from the negligence of a property owner, you could seek financial compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and even non-economic damages, like pain and suffering. You may pursue compensation by filing a claim with the negligent party’s insurance.

A qualified Daly City slip and fall accident lawyer can help you seek what you’re owed by:

  • Investigating your accident to gather evidence proving negligence
  • Estimating how much compensation you might deserve based on your injuries
  • Negotiating with the insurance company for a proper settlement

Allowing a lawyer to handle your case will also give you more time and energy to devote to recovering from your injuries. While you get the rest you need, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing an experienced legal professional is pursuing the compensation you deserve.

What To Do

If you’ve been in an accident, you need to report it to the property owner or manager immediately. After that,you may need a Daly City slip and fall accident attorney.

Here at Allegiance Law, we understand that an injury can keep you from work while piling up your medical bills. Don’t let a property owner or insurance company try to put the blame on you for something they should be held liable for. If they didn’t follow regulations and their negligence caused your accident, we’ll help you every step of the way. You can contact us by clicking here or calling 415-404-6395.