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Last week, a pedestrian was hit by a vehicle in Chinatown near Powell and Vallejo streets. Unfortunately, the victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

San Francisco police say that the pedestrian was in a crosswalk when the accident happened.

At Allegiance Law, this is something we see all too often. Why are so many pedestrians getting injured and killed while they are out and about?

This case, like many others, highlights some of the risks that pedestrians face in and around the roadways. Many times, these accidents happen due to driver carelessness or negligence.

Do you know what to do if you or a loved one are injured in an accident like this?

When you need a San Francisco pedestrian accident attorney, you can count on the team at Allegiance Law to have your back, working to get the compensation you need for your accident-related expenses.

On The Ground

Talking about pedestrian accidents is one thing, but seeing the numbers is entirely different. During California’s latest reporting year, there were over 14,000 pedestrian injuries due to traffic encounters. There were also 867 pedestrian accident fatalities.

Closer to home, San Francisco saw over 800 pedestrians injured or killed in the same year.

We know that pedestrian accidents are particularly dangerous and deadly. Our bodies have absolutely no armor to protect us. When a person is hit, they take the full impact of a vehicle and then the ground. Injuries are often severe and debilitating.

We often see people suffer from the following as a result of a pedestrian accident:

  • Severe lacerations
  • Amputations
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Internal organ damage

Each of these injuries can leave a person permanently disabled. They often mean an entire lifestyle change for the victim and their families.

How They Happen

We are not sure what caused the accident we discussed at the beginning of this article, but it is not uncommon for drivers to ignore pedestrian right-of-way areas such as crosswalks. Sometimes this happens because a driver is distracted by their phones or something else in their vehicle.

Other times, drunk drivers cause major harm to pedestrians. Over 25 percent of the traffic-related deaths in California are due to impaired drivers.

Why should you or your family have to suffer financially if someone else causes you harm?

Moving Forward From Here

We know that the aftermath of an accident can be hard to deal with, especially if you or a loved one are injured. We do know that if the accident happened because of someone else’s negligence, you need to seek legal assistance.

At Allegiance Law, our knowledgeable and experienced team is standing by to help you recover fair compensation for your accident-related expenses. This can include coverage for your medical bills, lost income if you have to miss work, as well as pain and suffering damages. When you need a pedestrian accident attorney in San Francisco, you can contact us by clicking here or calling 415-404-6395 for a free consultation.

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