Imagine driving in your brand new used car, listening to your favorite music, and sipping on your favorite coffee. It is a beautiful afternoon and you just got off work early to beat the rush hour traffic. You are smiling so big because you are now able to get ready for that party later that night without rushing. While you are driving your normal route, your mind begins to wander. You start to think about all the outfits you can wear and what accessories when BAM! Someone just swerved in your lane and hit the side of your car. Thankfully you were the only car hit, but now what to do?
It is common for a sense of panic to evolve from the situation. It is also common to feel a tad disoriented as your day was completely disrupted by some other person’s inability to stay in your lane. Yet, it is extremely important to stay calm and evaluate your situation. Our San Mateo car accident attorneys at Allegiance Law are here to help you sort through the situation. We have worked with so many clients who have been injured in a car accident that we are fully aware of what you need to do. So, we have decided to provide 5 tips on how to handle a car accident. Including, what to do during and after a car accident:
keep our San Mateo Car Accident Attorneys number on your phone. We understand that these accidents come so unexpectedly, but it is our job to support you and get you through this whole process. Call 415-404-6395 or click here to start a conversation with professional attorneys at Allegiance Law in San Mateo today.
Posted in Car Accident