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‘Look Both Ways Before Crossing The Street’ Is No Longer The No. 1 Rule For Pedestrians

June 29, 2018

We have all been taught to “look both ways before crossing the street” from our childhood. Both our parents and teachers kept telling us that this is the number one rule for you, as a pedestrian, when crossing the street or intersection. And although the rule is still important and can potentially save your life, […]


Tesla Car Crash Has Dire Consequences

June 28, 2018

Cars have come leaps and bounds in technology from when they were first created with satellite navigation, DVD’s and even self-driving, driving has never been more comfortable and it really shows us how far technology has come. However with all of these drivers have become more and more complacent resulting in a rise in car […]


Fatal Pedestrian Vehicle Accident

June 23, 2018

Car accidents, in general, are a scary experience, but when hit and runs are involved alongside pedestrian accidents the reality of car accidents and fatalities really hit. A recent accident consisting of both a hit and run and pedestrian showed how horrific both these events can be. The incident that occurred On interstate five in […]


Injured In A Car Accident In California? The Do’s And Don’ts To Receive Compensation

June 22, 2018

Being injured in a car accident is a traumatizing experience that can cost you tens of thousands to millions of dollars in damages. Surely, you will want to recover damages after an auto accident but this is not always the easiest thing to do considering the number of legal challenges you will have to overcome […]